Getting ready for our May Booksale! Dates are May 2 and 3rd. Stay tuned for more information!
Next meeting 3/25/25 at 6pm in Memorial Hall
Ah - spring is just around the corner! While the winter weather wasn’t too bad – except for lots of wind! – we always look forward to springtime. Lawns are showing bits of green among the brown;t rees and shrubs have that reddish tint which means leaves are thinking about popping. In places with southern exposure, crocus and daffodils are playing peek-a-boo from their winter beds. It’s time to put away your snow shovels and move the rakes and pruning shears to a handy spot. But before you roll up your sleeves, it’s best to plan ahead. For the month of April, FRIENDLY FINDS will have gardening books in the spotlight. Let the experts guide you with advice on planting and maintaining your outdoor space. With the investment of just a couple of dollars, you can bring home a reference book that will provide answers to your questions or give you great ideas for that problem area in the shade. The money you save by getting books at FRIENDLY FINDS can then be used to purchase an additional perennial for your flower garden or a large pot to grow herbs on your deck. Come shop and start planning!
Please remember that donations of gently used books are cheerfully accepted at the back entrance of the library every Saturday from 9:30AM until Noon.
All proceeds from FRIENDLY FINDS and from our other sales support library programs. Visit our website at or e-mail us at
If you would like to be added to our email list - please email us at
Just a reminder- Due to space and storage limitations, we are unable to accept large donations of more than 5 boxes at a time. If we are unable to accept your items, consider donating to Goodwill or Vietnam Vets at